
Галажинский Эдуард Владимирович

Eduard V. Galazhinskiy

Rector of Tomsk State University

Born in 1968, Professor and Doctor of Psychology, Eduard V. Galazhinskiy graduated from the TSU Department of History in 1990. He is full member of the Russian Academy of Education.

  • Member of Presidium of the Russian Academy of Education
  • Member of Presidium of the Russian Psychological Society
  • Member of Coordination Board for implementing the comprehensive project of modernization of education in Tomsk region
  • Member of Commission on Education within the Committee on Education, Science and Culture at the Legislative Duma of Tomsk region
  • Member of editorial boards of the journals “Siberian Psychological Journal” (Tomsk) and “Educational Psychology” (Moscow)

Rector's View


New Model of Higher Education: The Outlines Are Becoming Clearer

This blog post analyzes the current stage of the renewal process in the Russian higher education system.


Building the Future with Tomsk State University

This time, TSU Rector Eduard Galazhinskiy discusses important traditions and opportunities offered by the university and its partner, the Vladimir Potanin Charitable Foundation, to students, master's and postgraduate students. This material will be of interest to TSU applicants, as well as its alumni and partners who wish to contribute to the university's history.

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