
Faculty of Foreign Languages

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Students are taught in four departments (English, German, French and Chinese). Faculty programme provides study of two foreign languages (English, German, French, or Spanish, Chinese - at student's option), and a third foreign language (German, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Chinese) – optional.

There are 2 specialities: "Linguistics" and "Translation and The theory of translation."

Postgraduate studies in "Theory and methods of teaching and education (foreign languages)

The structure of the faculty:

  • Department of English Philology
  • Department of English language and natural, physical and mathematical faculties
  • Department of German Language
  • Department of Romance Languages
  • Department of Chinese Language

Faculty of Foreign Languages conducts research in the areas: “Theory of teaching of foreign languages” and “Research in Cognitive Linguistics”, led by Prof. S. Gural and Prof. M. Evdokimova.

Faculty of Foreign Languages cooperates with foreign universities. Each year, several our students are trained in Shenyang Polytechnic University (China), Academy of Sciences in Leipzig (Germany), University of London (UK) and others. The faculty employs experts from the United States (Miriam Whiting, Megan Gross), Germany (Stefan Karsh, Doris Donald, Dagmar Paulus), Spain (Anna Costa), China (Guo Zhen, Dai Yingli), Great Britain (Peter Mitchell, Kate Rawson Jones), Italy (Angelo Falvino), France (Ieriks Bleton).