
Unicol - Volunteering Centre

The Centre for Socio-professional Volunteering TSU UNIVOL was created November 21, 2014, with the aim of positioning Tomsk State University as a socially active institution in the local community.

The Centre provides students the opportunity to realize their professional knowledge and gain experience in the setting of volunteer activities.

The Centre's work is in three main areas, which are implementing these key tasks:

  1. Organizational direction (carrying out actions, assisting in organizing university and city events, and implementing projects)
  2. Educational direction (training courses, seminars, and trainings)
  3. International direction (organizing the Multicultural Lectures, consulting on matters of participating in international volunteer programmes, and organizing a TSU volunteer camp) TSU students can also do volunteer practice in non-profit or public organizations by choosing any organization whose activities they are interested in, not only to satisfy an interest, but also to assess their skills and knowledge in practice.

The Centre will also implement the project Multicultural Lectures. Our university has many students who come from different countries, each of which has its own unique culture and traditions. In lectures and seminars, international students will introduce TSU’s students to features of their countries, their traditions, interesting facts, and share information about the specifics of volunteer work in their country.

If you want to participate in any activity or to become a part of our team - please contact us! All relevant information about the latest events can always be found in the group UNIVOL VKontakte.


8 (3822) 529-155

34a Lenin Avenue, office 64.4 (the new building of the TSU Research Library)