Now the structure of Faculty of Physics has 8 departments, which include 7 laboratories and 4 branch of departments in academic institutions.
The structure of the Faculty includes such departments as:
- Astronomy and Space Geodesy
- Quantum Field Theory
- General and Experimental Physics
- Optics and Spectroscopy
- Theoretical Physics
- Metal Physics
- Plasma Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
And also there is the Museum of the History of Physics and Physics and Mathematical School.
The basic structural units of the faculty are departments. They include teaching laboratories and computer classes for support of the educational process. In addition, the Faculty established a number of research laboratories.
The structure of Faculty of Physics includes such laboratories as:
- Mathematical Physics
- Simulation of Physical Processes in Biology and Medicine
- Low-temperature Plasma
- New Information Technologies in Education
- Applied Spectroscopy and Spectrochemistry
- Quantum mechanics of molecules and radiation processes
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecules
- Quantum Theory of Intensive Fields
In Tomsk there is a scientific and educational physics complex, in which, Faculty of Physics together with SFTI and many academic institutions of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, conduct fundamental research, solve applied problems, and trains specialists. In 2007, TSU has been established Research and Education Center for Nanotechnology "Nanocluster" with such structural elements as Scientific and Educational Centre "Physics and Chemistry of High-Energy Systems" and Tomsk materials science center for collective use.
In 2013, TSU began to establish centers of excellence. One of the first was Center for Fundamental and Mathematical Physics created at the Faculty of Physics.
It consists of:
- Laboratory of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Laboratory of Quantum Theory of Intensive Fields
- Laboratory of Photophysics and Photochemistry of Molecules
- Laboratory of Quantum Mechanics of Molecules and Radiation Processes
- Department of Quantum Field Theory
- Department of Theoretical Physics
- Department of Optics and Spectroscopy
- Direction of Physics
- Direction of Information Systems and Technology
Integration into the global scientific community helps to successful work of scientists of the Faculty of Physics. A significant part of research carried out in collaboration with partners from universities and research centers in Europe, the USA, Brazil, Japan, China, and other countries.