
Industry Partners and Career

The University today is implementing a program to improve competitiveness, and its main goal is the transformation of all the basic processes for building a world-class university. One of the tasks of a research university is to influence the economy of Russia, the world, and the region. And in the coming years we have set ourselves the task of forming the so-called innovation ecosystem. Our partners are those who, despite all the difficulties, manage to build and develop their companies and make high-tech innovative business. These are strategically important partners and colleagues, the main consumers of our graduates, our innovations, therefore one of our tasks is to reconfigure the scientific and educational processes to their needs.

List of partners

NORNICKEL PJSC Sberbank of Russia KPMG Microsoft Russia JSC Gazprom Space Systems JSC ACADEMICIAN M.F. RESHETNEV Information Satellite Systems All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Corporation "Energia" FSUE The Federal center for dual-use technologies "Soyuz" Schlumberger Federal Research and Production Center «Altai» High Technology Park in the Kemerovo Region Imperial Energy Group JSC National Agency for Technological Development (Kazakhstan) CJSC Siberian Agrarian Group Tomskneftekhim LLC Research Institute of Semiconductor Devices JSC Sibkabel Elecard Scientific Research Organization Sibur-Tomskneftekhim Tomlesdrev JSC Gazprombank Russian Agricultural Bank (RusAg) Rosgosstrakh - Insurance company Insurance Company of Gaz Industry SOGAZ Exhibition Society "Siberian Fair" The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Tomsk Region Palex Group Territorial Subsoil Use Agency for Tomsk Region (Tomsk Nedra) Di Group JSC Android Technology Engineering Chemical Technological Center Branch Union "Neuronet" National University of Science and Technology MISIS Autonomous Non-Commercial Organization Agency of Technological Development Softline Skoltech The State Hermitage Museum Technological University of Tajikistan SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» Belgorod Institute of Alternative Energy Johnson & Johnson Research and production association "NORT" Concern Morinformsystem-Agat JSC Mirrico - group of manufacturing and services companies Micran SKTB Katalizator Rubius Company SAS Institute LLC National Instruments LLC Nienschants-Scientific Pharmcontract - Complex Solutions TomskNIPIneft Bank UralSib V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics Institute of High Current Electronics (IHCE) The Photochemistry center (PC RAS) Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science (ISPMS SB RAS) Unilever National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute»