Faculty of Radiophysics

Faculty of Radiophysics

It was opened in 1953 on the basis of the three departments of the Physics Faculty: physics, physics of electromagnetic waves and physics of dielectrics.

Areas of training:

  • Radiophysics
  • Optical Engineering
  • Photonics and Optical Informatics
  • Laser Equipment and Laser Technology

Extensive education, experience of research work, the ability to educate bring to continuing demand for graduates of these specialties in Russian and international research institutes and design bureaus, universities, telecommunications companies, institutions and organizations.


  • Radiophysics
  • Radio electronics
  • Semiconductor Electronics
  • Optoelectronic systems and remote sensing
  • Quantum Electronics and Photonics
  • Information technologies in the study of discrete structures
  • Space Physics and Ecology

Basic scientific institutions of Faculty of Radiophysics are Siberian Physical-Technical Institute at Tomsk State University, Institute of High Current Electronics of the SB RAS, Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the SB RAS, Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the SB RAS, JSC “Institute of Semiconductor Devices”.

Many graduates continue their studies at Tomsk State University, Russian Academy of Sciences and other universities in Russia and abroad. Currently, our graduate students work in Taiwan, South Korea, USA, Canada, France, Italy.