
Facts and Figures

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  • 10 museums
  • Herbarium
  • Siberian Botanical Garden
  • Accommodation
  • Swimming pool
  • Centre of Culture
  • Research Library (4,000,000 volumes)



  • 42 leading scientific schools
  • 12 centres of multiple access to unique equipment
  • 49 science-based educational centres
  • 66 laboratories
  • 34 small-scale innovation enterprises
  • 42 academic schools entered the presidential list of Russian leading scientific schools
  • 24 dissertation councils, about 20 Doctor of Science and 100 Candidate of Science dissertations are defended annually
  • 26 academicians and corresponding members of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Education, Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, 51 Russian State Prize Winners
  • About 100 members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academy of Medical Sciences and the CIS states, more than 150 State Prize winners, two Nobel Prize winners studied and worked at TSU
  • The University has more than 600 Doctors and 1300 Candidates of Sciences
  • Young scientists and students were awarded 29 medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, over 500 students received medals and diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science
  • During the last 10 years 4 TSU teams of scientists were awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology, the RF Government Prize in Science and Technology, and the Russian President Award in the field of education


  • Multilevel educational system: preuniversity training, specialist training, undergraduate studies, Master’s course, graduate course, Doctor of Science level programme, retraining and advanced training, second higher education
  • Exchange programmes with the leading international institutions of higher education, prestigious scholarships and grants of the largest international funds, educational and research organizations
  • Innovative approaches and techniques in the sphere of science and education, their integrated implementation at all levels of the educational and scientific process, innovative educational trajectories, continual upgrading of the academic disciplines by means of introducing scientific research findings to the academic programmes
  • Training and advanced training of the teaching staff and specialists, including those from different educational institutions; development of the export of education services
  • Large-scale programmes of cooperation with Russian and international universities and research centres, the leading institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Russian Academy of Agricultural Science, the enterprises RusAtom, RusСosmos and others
  • In the list of TSU partners are 750 enterprises and organizations; over 130 contracts for cooperation and strategic partnership in education and scientific activities have been signed with the largest Russian and international science-based educational foundations, banks, and enterprises of the real sector of economy.
TSU report with the most important facts and figures