The structure of the faculty:
- Department of Dynamic Geology
- Department of Paleontology and Historical Geology
- Department of Mineralogy and Geochemistry
- Department of Petrography
- Department of Geography
- Department of Hydrology
- Department of Meteorology and Climatology
- Department of Local History and Tourism
- Department of Nature Management
Also the structure of the faculty includes:
- Geological map Laboratory (SRL geological map). The laboratory is designed to provide high-quality passing of academic, industrial and research practice of students.
- Training Center "Geoinform"
- Center for collective use "Analytical Center geochemistry of natural systems"
- Center for collective use "Aktru"
Geographical station "Aktru" - Laboratory of Geological and Geophysical Modeling
- Laboratory of Glaciological Climatology
- Siberian Paleontological Research Center
Areas of training:
- Geology
- Geography
- Hydrometeorology
- Ecology and Nature
- Applied geology
Paleontological Museum named after Hahlov
Since the end of XIX century in Tomsk State University appeared the first paleontological collections, comprising the present "gold" fund of the Museum of Paleontology. These collections were transferred to the first Siberian University at the time of its inception (1878) by the various patrons. Part of the submitted exhibits was made 150 years ago by the well-known German company "Krantz".
Paleontological material which is constantly coming from the newly drilled wells, and as a result of the annual field trips allows to conduct fundamental research on the evolution of life on Earth.
Mineralogical Museum named after Bazhenov
It was opened in 1888 by Professor Zaitsev and it is the oldest and the largest university museums beyond the Urals. The museum serves the educational and training functions and represents the part of the Department of Mineralogy and Geochemistry.
Gold fund of the museum are collections gathered by perennial expeditions of teachers and students. Most of these studies took place on the Asian continent, where the giant Central Asian fold belt, bringing together numerous ranges of Altai, Sayan, Kuznetsk Alatau, Eastern and Western Tanuola, Mongolia and Transbaikal is placed. Today, the museum contains the rich collection of mineral specimens of dozen deposits of the belt.